What makes an Ideal Studio?
Madison Dance Studio in Memphis, TN. Want to move out of the living room but not quite ready to open a dance studio? This is a list of what I look for when considering a new dance space. The post "Occupation: Belly Dance Instructor..." explains some important details and things to consider before setting up shop. Like I always say, Consider your Needs and Assets. What is Essential and what is Extra? What do you already have? Location: Is it safe? Is it accessible and convenient to both you and your students? Are there neighboring businesses who cater to your demographic? Parking Plenty of Space: One student will need 30 to 49 square feet, depending on how much space your dance requires. Deduct at least 3 feet in front of the mirror for instructor space. Like my crappy doodle? lol Mirrors Safe Floors: Some studios try to save money by placing wood laminate over concrete. These are no...